15 Weird Dating Practices in Nordic Countries
But are they that different when it comes to dating and having sexual intercourse? Well, judge for yourself. Here are 15 facts about the dating and sexual practices in the North of Europe which you might find curious and… probably strange.
15. The Jante Law Paradigm
14. The Sauna Sex Revelation
13. The Questioning Inquisition Foreplay
12. The Free Market Contradiction
11. The Topsy-Turvy Malfunction
10. The Blade Offer Alternative
Nowadays, no Finnish guy will put an effort into making a knife all by himself in order to conquer a girl’s heart; he’d rather buy her a beer, or two. But in some places the tradition persists, although totally updated and almost unrecognizable. Girls will joke about being offered a butter knife by their boyfriends over breakfast as a token of their will to finally tie the knot.
9. The Exclusiveness Axiom
8. The Christmas Party Sex Calamity
9. The 2-in-1 Obligation
8. The Bestiality Appreciation
If you want to openly date your pet, you should move to Finland. The absence of legislation against bestiality makes the country the last one in the European Union to institute a legal ban on it. It’s important to note that bestiality does not refer to only hugging and caressing, but to an actual sexual act between person and animal. The present law holds that as long as it cannot be proved that the animal has been treated cruelly or has been in pain during the intercourse, the person is not responsible for any misdeed.
7. The Female Empowerment
Icelandic women love sex, love talking about their sex lives, and don’t freak out about public nudity. For them, nudity is as normal as having a toast in the morning. The nation’s chilled attitude towards sex is quite notorious. And it is mostly true about women. If a woman is attracted by someone, let’s say in a bar, she is the one who buys the guy a drink or goes over to start a chat. Icelandic women have a high sexual charge and therefore may have quite many partners. This is due to the fact that if one is incapable of satisfying her in bed, she won’t try to “fix” things only because she has feelings for him. A relationship without good sex is predestined to fail. So she’ll just move on to the next partner.
The average age at which Icelanders start having sex is the lowest in the world. Besides, an incredibly high percentage of Icelandic women own sex toys and are likely to bring them to bed even with a partner in it. Many women in Iceland go for one-night stands. As a result, there are a lot of single mothers (many of whom are in their early 20’s), but this is regarded as pretty normal and not looked down upon.
6. The Sex Competition Winning Challenge
It’s not that there exists an actual official sex competition among the Nordic nations, but the Danes love to think of themselves as the winners. Their self-confidence is laid on solid foundations. For starters, in order to be well prepared in bed, they do a lot of “research”. Porn is regularly screened on public TV channels in Denmark. A recent survey by YouGov exploring sexual behavior in different nations shows that the Danes watch more X-rated content than any other nation surveyed. That much sexual education inevitably leads to positive results – the Danes are very much willing to experiment in sex. One of their favorite pastime activities is swinging. Actually, they were the initiators of the International Swingers Week, which has taken place annually since 2008.
A third fact that contributes to Danes’ sex fame is that despite being a tiny nation of only 5,5 million, Denmark can proudly brag about having the biggest sperm bank in the world. It’s astonishing how many would-be parents around the world (and not necessarily Caucasian!) fancy the idea of pumping up their future child with some genuine Viking genes.
And last but not least, they have a lot of time to practice their bed techniques – Denmark has one of the shortest working weeks in Europe at an average of just 34 hours.
5. The 22nd of June Occurrence
Like all the other Nordic nations, the Swedes, too, are very sexually active. Even when single, they don’t let themselves be alone in bed. They usually have three to five KK’s, or knull kompis (f*ck buddy or a friend with benefits). How can you blame them? After all, the long cold winters force the Swedes to stay inside most of the time. And since many of them live far from the cities, how much better could one entertain oneself, but between the sheets! But they won’t stop even when it gets warmer. And with the summer in the air, it becomes even more pleasant to get into action without all those layers of clothes… The number of sexual intercourses reaches the climax on Midsummer day (the most important holiday in the Swedish calendar along with Christmas). During that day people get pretty ecstatic from dancing around poles resembling a phallus, and that results in a noticeably higher birthrate nine months later. It comes as no surprise then that 22nd March is the most preferred day by the Swedes to leave their mommys’ wombs.
4. The Good Manners Imperative
Whatever happens (or doesn’t happen) between a man and a woman in Finnish culture, it always comes in a package with a lot of politeness and considerateness. In Finland, men still tend to be the ones who’d offer an invitation for dates, although many women are feeling equally comfortable asking someone on a date. When someone is “asked out”, he or she may politely decline, and it is not polite to demand the reason for the refusal.
“Breaking a date” is a big deal for most Finns. If you must absolutely cancel or re-schedule, the polite thing to do is to inform the other person as soon as possible about the change of plans.
The amount of physical contact between the two sexes in Finland depends on the amount of affection the two people have for one another. Holding hands is not necessarily a sign that a boy and a girl are in an intimate relationship. If, however, you want to turn this holding hands into something more serious, you should first… yes, you’ve guessed right!.. ask this friend politely if they will approve, or not.
3. The Drinking-Like-A-Fish Mayhem
Day-drinking, home drinking, social drinking, and actually any other known type of drinking are much favored in Sweden and Denmark (not that much in Norway because of the insanely high prices of alcohol). What can take a foreigner by surprise though is that in a mixed company the girls will be doing most of the drinking. If you are that lucky and get yourself a Swedish girlfriend, she’ll most probably be used to consuming on a regular basis wine, vodka, scotch, beer (a lot of it!), and other beverages with an alcohol percentage higher than five. Embrace this fact with resignation and go out partying together. Don’t let your man’s pride be hurt if you can’t take any more alcohol while she is still “warming up” with her eighth shot. Swedish girls do know how to hold their alcohol, and you should be grateful that she’ll safely bring you back home if you pass out before her.
2. The Number-One Dating Prerequisite
Iceland is an isolated island up in the North Atlantic Ocean where the geysers and the volcanoes are more numerous than people. In a country with a population of only 330 000, family connections are common, which leads singles to seriously check family background before deciding to get married or/and have a child with someone. Most people are descended from a small clan of Celtic and Viking settlers, so pretty much everybody is a distant relative of everybody else on the island. Tracing a person’s lineage, however, is a challenging mission because last names are no indicators of historic family lineage. A person’s last name is the father’s first name, followed by either “son” or “dottir”. Until a couple of years ago, many Icelanders would end up married to a second cousin or having a baby with an uncle, but with the introduction of IslendingaApp, the citizens now are able to use the national database which traces the lineage of all the country’s current inhabitants.
1. The What-To-Do-To-Impress Requirement
To win a Norwegian girl’s heart can be either an arduous or a piece-of-cake job, depending on your willingness to follow three simple rules (which, however, you may not find that simple).
– Do not brag about your salary! In fact, if you are able to hold your horses, the best advice you can take is not to brag about anything at all. The Norwegian girls act subconsciously in accordance with the already mentioned Jante Law – they’ll never think you are any better than the others. Success may still impress them but only if it is connected with something you do outside work. But keep in mind you should always drop the information casually.
– Go skiing! Seriously, if you can’t ski, you just have to forget about the girl. Norwegians are mad about the great outdoors, they love hiking, climbing, and going on cabin tours, but most of all they love skiing. There is even an old saying that all Norwegians are born with ski on their feet. Go figure!
– Don’t touch! As a nation of genuinely shy people who’d sit next to someone in a bus only if it is an absolute necessity, too much touching can put them off. If you want to make a good first impression on a girl (and to any Norwegian, for that matter), it’s admissible to give them a hello hug. But the rule is: don’t hang on their shoulders and by any means don’t give them a kiss on the cheek! Rather hug with your chin than your whole body!