How does love-at-first-sight work for gay men?

It has never happened to me, personally. That is why I thoroughly researched the topic and have come to the conclusion that falling in love at first sight doesn’t happen only to Jennifer Aniston in a rom-com. It’s not just a lovely fantasy, it’s a real thing, and if one’s lucky, they’ll get to experience this funny sensation deep in the gut known as “butterflies in the stomach” upon meeting someone for the first time. However, myths about gays’ promiscuity undervalue their ability to experience genuine love. But even if…


Excuse me, do you speak Gayish? 

Language, just like clothing, hairdos, and tattoos, is a major factor in how we shape our identity and create our self-image. The words we choose to use and the way we use them speak volumes about our character, culture, and education. All in all, about the way we are. This is especially valid when it comes to using words belonging to a vocabulary shared by people of a certain social or professional group.  Not until recently, concepts and labels for sexual identities didn’t quite exist. Even the simplest of the…


I am back!

Well, I don’t have Terminator’s enthusiasm about the rise of the machines, but I do have something important in my pocket. I’ve been away from this blog (physically and emotionally!) for years, but because of the circumstances that recently occurred in my life, things changed for me. A lo-o-ot! I won’t tell you what exactly happened to me (in a shopping mall in Copenhagen, Denmark where I live), but not because I’m a keeping-the-goosebumps- secret psycho. I’m just not in the mood to talk about it. At least not now. Now.…


15 Famous Cougars Dating Younger Men

You may not believe it, but statistics show that the number of older female celebs who are or have been at some point in age-gap relationships is rapidly growing. Just a couple of decades ago, in Western culture, it was still more acceptable for a man to be dating a younger woman than vice versa. But the pancake flipped, so to say, and nowadays girls have gained the upper hand in the dating business. If is good enough for Madonna, they think, then it really must be something worth trying.…


Allergy to Sex?! It’s NOT a Myth, but a Real Thing

You love your man and you do want to have a pleasurable sex with him. But every time you have fun in bed you get obnoxious lesions on the skin, swelling, itching, and it feels as if your lady parts were on fire. Is it crazy to think that you might be somehow allergic to sex? Doctors say it’s very possible. Sex-related allergies are as real as a hangover after a night out with friends. If you have observed some of the symptoms mentioned above during or after having sex,…


Being A Virgin In Your 30s Isn’t All That Strange, So Why Are We So Ashamed To Admit It?

The peer pressure on the adolescent virgins is hard to bear, but it’s even harder for the women in their 20s and 30s who haven’t had sex yet. If it’s not a conscious choice, they often feel too embarrassed to talk about it. Nowadays, virginity at that age is considered strange—or worse, abnormal—and it really shouldn’t be. What gives? The average American woman loses her virginity at 17.The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that virgins make up 7.3% of the females aged 25-39. And if you are in your…


15 Weird Dating Practices in the Nordic Countries

15 Weird Dating Practices in Nordic Countries It is not without a reason that people associate sexual freedom with Scandinavia and the Nordic countries in general. For a foreigner coming to Scandinavia seeing exposed breasts here and there might come as a shock. To the locals, however, there is nothing wrong with nudity in public. And there is nothing wrong with talking openly about sex either! The people of the Nordic countries (these include Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) view sexuality more liberally than they do in any other…


The Best and Worst Movie Lesbian Kisses

This is the ultimate man’s fantasy no matter age, race, and religion. Well, sexual orientation does matter in that particular case, because a gay guy wouldn’t be particularly impressed at the sight of two females smooching the hell out of each other. Straight men like women, and to them, what’s better than one woman? Exactly – TWO women!  And if they are engaged in an intimate play, this will already feel like heaven on earth. The thing that triggers that fantasy is pretty simple actually, and you don’t need to…
