How does love-at-first-sight work for gay men?

It has never happened to me, personally. That is why I thoroughly researched the topic and have come to the conclusion that falling in love at first sight doesn’t happen only to Jennifer Aniston in a rom-com. It’s not just a lovely fantasy, it’s a real thing, and if one’s lucky, they’ll get to experience this funny sensation deep in the gut known as “butterflies in the stomach” upon meeting someone for the first time. However, myths about gays’ promiscuity undervalue their ability to experience genuine love. But even if…


Excuse me, do you speak Gayish? 

Language, just like clothing, hairdos, and tattoos, is a major factor in how we shape our identity and create our self-image. The words we choose to use and the way we use them speak volumes about our character, culture, and education. All in all, about the way we are. This is especially valid when it comes to using words belonging to a vocabulary shared by people of a certain social or professional group.  Not until recently, concepts and labels for sexual identities didn’t quite exist. Even the simplest of the…


I am back!

Well, I don’t have Terminator’s enthusiasm about the rise of the machines, but I do have something important in my pocket. I’ve been away from this blog (physically and emotionally!) for years, but because of the circumstances that recently occurred in my life, things changed for me. A lo-o-ot! I won’t tell you what exactly happened to me (in a shopping mall in Copenhagen, Denmark where I live), but not because I’m a keeping-the-goosebumps- secret psycho. I’m just not in the mood to talk about it. At least not now. Now.…
