A VERY lame porn story (+116)

A week ago, there is this guy who’s hiding behind the nickname of Ryan456, who finds me on a site for freelancer writers, and proposes  to pay me 160$ if I deliver a 4000-word story of “adult content”within three days. I say Ok, although I have had zero experience with writing suck kind of shit, but I figure, as I am professional (otr at least I love to think of myself as such!), I can do any writing job for money. The guy sends me instructions about what he is expecting…


Six solid reasons to marry a gay guy

When I was 22, I had a very serious intention to marry a gay guy. And it wasn’t just a whim of mine, I actually did have somebody in particular in mind. But things didn’t work out (as if they ever have!). 20 years later, here I am – living alone in my spacious apartment only with my obnoxious cat and five bottles of Irish whisky to keep me company. I could have had a fulfilling life had I shared it with that gay guy I was head-over-heels in love…


5 reasons why your boyfriend never calls you by your name (or any other name, for that matter)

  Yesterday evening, while my boyfriend and I were Viber-chatting, it suddenly hit me that he never actually calls me by my name. How is that possible that I hadn’t noticed that before?! I mean, yeah, he would probably pronounce my given name if we are in a room full of people, all of whom, no matter their sex, look like me, and he wants to determine my location. Or if he wants to warn me about a coming bus that is about to smear me on the street like…



I rent a studio on North 3rd Street in Williamsburg. For 2, 700 per month I get a comparatively quiet place two blocks from yoga studios to designer denim to fancy pickles. And also organic delis, pop-up restaurants, vegetable brunch eateries, vintage clothing closets and flea markets on every block. Williamsburg has sprung up from the abandoned factories and shipyards to become the hottest spot in Brooklyn. I know, I kind of fantasize about me and some breath-taking looking guy I call my boyfriend attending  those infamous “classes for dudes”…


How to live a full value life according to W.W. (feat. Prof. Stephen Hawking)

Professor Stephen Hawking is a British theoretical physicist, who, till 2009, was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge – a position once held by Isaak Newton himself! He was born on 8 January, 1942 in Oxford, England. He deals mostly with cosmology and quantum mechanics. Despite his grave medical condition (he suffers from a slow-progressing form of ALS), hawking never stopped working, thus demonstrating that a physical handicap cannot hinder one from being less capable of showing creativity.   They say life can continue up to…


Top 5 of the lamest horror movies

Final Destination 2 (2003) Yeah, yeah, yeah, there are a lot of elaborate killings taking place and especially the one with the leftover spaghetti, but let’s face the truth – the only genuine horror-bearing moment of the movie is the pile-up premonition scene at the beginning. After that, you’d always get nervous when driving behind a van transporting logs. Or basically transporting anything that could come crashing down and through the windscreen to kill you on the spot.   Final Destination 3 (2006) This time, the movie makers have quit…



We use the lists to categorize and systematize things. And because the things which can be categorized and systematized are unlimited by number, that’s why the lists are an open set. Many of them can have a quite boring content like, for example, the lists an acquaintance of mine makes in order to plan her time minute by minute while on a four-day trip abroad. Her lists look like this: Paris (23 – 27 May) 23 May 8:00 – 8:30       Waking up and performing habitual morning hygiene activities 8:33             …


10 signs you are dating a gay

I have been on the dating scene for the last 22 years. Some people may consider it pathetic (as I haven’t got married yet), but to me dating has never been a means to achieving the ultimate end of becoming someone’s wife, but rather a l’art pour l’art thing.  Recently, I opened my old “black book”, which I started back in the prehistoric era when we used mobile phones as big as a portable Kalashnikov M16, and started browsing the names of people I had dated through the years. It…


United Fakes of America

I have been recently thinking about how each country is unique with at least one particular thing. And not necessarily a good one, but something which it has given to the world (a type of ice-cream,  a bomb, a Holocaust). Something that is its personal recognizable logo design trend. We, the Bulgarians, have only our little invisible brute – lactobacillusbulgaricus, although we have been ferociously trying for the last twenty years to fuck it up (the way we corrupt everything that is nice and decent, and of some quality about…


Drinking as l’art pour l’art

  Since the dawn of time, good taste, literary traditions and the pathology of the most common psychological conditions require for a girl like me to spend at least three consecutive days in a state of depression after having decided to change the biological father of her unborn children with another one (who can at least play belote!). And here I am now – wallowing on the sofa all day long, wearing sweaty shorts, a bra that has seen better days, and a pair of the ugliest pink clogs decorated…
